Bully Prevention
The Linden Unified School District has a no-tolerance policy against bullying in all forms. Student safety is a top priority for Linden Unified and the district does not allow behaviors that infringe on the safety or emotional or physical well-being of any student. Linden Unified has developed strategies for bullying prevention and intervention to help keep students safe and ensure a healthy learning environment. The district has an extensive board policy on bullying that covers a variety of areas, including cyberbullying, bullying prevention, intervention, complaints and investigation, discipline, and enforcement mechanisms. The Linden Unified School District is committed to providing a safe, secure and healthy environment that allows every Student to be learning in every classroom, in every subject, every day. The district believes that students and staff have the right to be free of bullying, threats, intimidation, and harassment while on our campuses or participating in or being associated with any school/district-related activity. In Linden Unified, the community is encouraged that
"if you see something, or know something, say something".
Bully Prevention in PBIS
School-wide PBIS begins with the premise that all students should have access to support to prevent the development and occurrence of problem behavior including bullying behavior. To avoid stigmatizing any student, school-wide PBIS emphasizes what a student does and where it occurs, instead of negatively labeling a student as a bully, victim, perpetrator, or aggressor, the emphasis is on labeling what the student does, for example, name-calling, teasing, intimidation, verbal aggression, and cyber-harassment. Bullying behavior is always described in the context or setting in which it occurs, for example, cyberspace, hallway, dance, field trip, bus, or other "setting".
Digital Citizenship
Linden Unified School District utilizes the Common Sense Media curriculum to educate students about being a responsible digital citizen and meet the program needs on updated mandates. The new updates require educating students about "appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, and cyberbullying awareness and response.
Link to Common Sense Media.
Learn more about the #ICANHELP campaign.
Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention Resources
Parents are a key component in the fight against bullying and cyberbullying. Please take a look at the links below for more information on how to recognize the signs of bullying and the steps you can take to help prevent this from happening to your child.
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Stop Bullying Website
Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights (PACER) National Bullying Prevention Center
Incident Reporting
Any incidents of bullying, discrimination and/or harassment, harm to school and/or property or harm to self should be reported to any adult in the district in which the student feels safe. Parents can report any incidents to the school principal and/or district office. All incidents will be taken seriously and are acted upon in a timely manner. As each incident is different, each will warrant a different reaction and timeline for action and can be as thorough as the information provided.
The types of issues that can be reported include but are not limited to:
Board Policies
BP 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures Annual Notice
BP 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures
BP 5131.2 - Bullying (Students)
BP 5145.3 - Nondiscrimination/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying (Students)
BP 5145.7 - Sexual Harassment (Students)
BP 5145.9 - Hate-Motivated Behavior (Students)
California Legislation Bill
Bill Text - AB-9 Pupil Rights Bullying
AB-34 Pupils: Bullying and Harassment Prevention Information