Parents and Students » Health Clerk Messages

Health Clerk Messages



Showers bring May Flowers

May this month bring you days of happiness, love, success, positivity, progress and endless opportunities.

What are we up to in the Health Department:

Hearing test was a great success last month. All students at school that day who are in K, 2nd, 5th, & 8th were tested.

New enrollment has been open since the beginning of March.  Please make sure that you are answering the question about any Health or medical issues.   I’ve had several forms where the question is left blank.  Also, please make sure your student is up to date on all his or her vaccines.  Ask for a Medical Dispensary Form from the office if your student will be needing to take any medication during school.

6th grade parents, please keep in mind that your student will need to have their Tdap vaccine before they start 7th grade.  I know doctors are sometimes booked for weeks.  Make your appointment now so that you don’t have any problems getting them in before the new school year.


Dates to keep in mind:

Waverly Open House

Thursday April 11th, 2024

Stop by our Health Table and meet district nurse Becky Cook.

She will have great information regarding Health & Wellness.


April 22, 2024 is Earth Day.

Let’s celebrate our earth by taking care of it.

Help create a waste-free world.  Find a cleanup near you and sign up to volunteer or register your own clean up event.  For help reach out to [email protected].

Happy New Year Waverly Families.
Let's start the New Year by taking care of our children's health.
Please read the information below for tips to keep them healthy.
How can I protect my child against illness?
  • Vaccination is available for both flu and Covid (talk to your doctor or go to a pharmacy for more information).
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, and then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Wash hands often with soap and water. Hand sanitizer is okay when soap and water are not available.
  • If someone at home is sick, keep the sick person in a separate room from other family members if possible.
  • Teach children to avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth—germs are spread this way.
  • Wipe down surfaces with a household disinfectant according to directions on the product label.
  • Make sure disposable items used by sick family members (tissues, etc.) are promptly thrown in the trash.
If your child is sick …
  • Talk to your doctor early if you are worried about your child's illness.
If your child has any of the warning signs below, seek medical attention immediately:
  • Fast breathing or trouble breathing
  • Bluish or gray skin color
  • Not drinking enough fluids (not going to the bathroom or making as much urine as normal)
  • Not waking up or not interacting
  • Being so irritable that the young child does not want to be held
  • Flu-like symptoms that improve but then return with fever and worse cough
  • Has other conditions (like heart or lung disease, diabetes or asthma) and develops flu symptoms, including a fever and/or cough
When can my child go back to school?
Please keep your sick child at home to rest and to avoid giving the flu to other children and adults. A fever is defined as 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Students may return to school when their fever is gone for 24 hours without the use of a fever-reducing medicine. Sending students to school while ill infects others and does not allow students to fully recuperate and rest.
If you test positive for Covid, please follow Covid protocols.
Covid protocol – Quarantine for 5 days from first symptom or Covid positive date and return to school on the 6th day if fever free for 24 hours without medication.  Mask up recommendation for 10 days from symptom or Covid positive date whichever comes first. is the month of candy hearts, heart-shaped boxes of chocolates and teddy bears holding stuffed hearts. It’s a time to toast to those who make our heart beat faster, but it’s also an opportunity to honor that beating heart itself.

February is also American Heart Month both a celebration and reminder just how important a healthy heart is for a long, fulfilling life.


While it’s fantastic to celebrate Valentine’s Day, don’t forget to make time to celebrate your heart this month. Focus on showing yourself some love by making a commitment to honor your health.


Below, are the major warning signs of a heart attack for both men and women.


According to the CDC, the major warning signs of a heart attack for men include:

  • Chest pain, intense pressure and squeezing fullness in the center or left side of the chest that spans a couple minutes and can reoccur
  • Upper body pain, particularly your arms and left shoulder
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness and faintness
  • Cold sweats
  • The major warning signs for women include:
  • Fatigue lasting multiple days or coming on suddenly 
  • severe Upper back, shoulder, throat and jaw pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Lightheadedness
  • Indigestion pain
  • Anxiety
  • Pressure or pain in the center of your chest, which may spread to your arm


Here are some ideas to help our hearts stay healthy


Participate in an organized heart health walk
Research has found that walking reduced the risk of cardiovascular events by 31 percent in both men and women who walked as little as 5 1/2 miles per week at 2 miles per hour.  In addition to promoting weight loss and muscle growth, walking also improves risk factors such as vascular stiffness, inflammation and mental stress.



Get a comprehensive physical                                                

Have your doctor investigate your family history on heart disease.


Host a potluck focused on heart-healthy recipes

February is home to Super Bowl parties and not so healthy food.  Which is fine once in a while with moderation.  However, let me suggest a new February tradition: a heart-healthy potluck.

Gather your loved ones around recipes that will help not hurt your heart, like salmon cucumber bites and stuffed red peppers or grilled veggies.  You’ll help spread America heart month awareness among your friends and family, and you’ll learn new recipes, too. 


Grilled Vegetables


Wow can you believe it, we are in our last month of school.  Time has gone by so fast.  It has been so much fun getting to know the students and helping them feel better when they weren’t feeling well.

I would like to remind parents of a few important things.

Please remember to pick up your child’s medication from the front office on the last day of school. If you plan on having medication for your child again for the coming school year, please also take a new medical form to have the doctor sign so that you can have it when school starts in August.

Tdap and varicella vaccines are a must for all incoming 7th graders.  Please call your doctor to make an appointment or send us proof of your child having the vaccines.  Current 6 graders will not be allowed to start the 7th grade without these vaccines.

All new students need to be current with their vaccines or they will not be allowed to attend school.

All current Kinders (incoming 1st graders) that have not turned in a physical form and or dental form need to do so asap.   These forms need to be signed by a doctor.


Summer is right around the corner.  

Here are some tips to stay safe and sharp during summer.


Wear sunscreen when outside.

Stay hydrated.

Stay safe in pools.  (Adult should be present at all times)


Summer activities to keep your child learning


Grocery shopping is a great time to practice with your students and keep their brain learning.

Have the little ones tell you the color of the fruits or have them count how many pieces of fruit you have in your cart.  Have them name the shapes around the store.


Have the big kids add the prices.  If you are buying more than one of the same item, have them multiply the price.

Start a garden and learn about how plants grow.

Cook a new dish by following a recipe.  This teaches your child to follow directions.

Don’t forget to read every day.  Remember the more you read the more you know.

Do a scavenger hunt outdoors (don’t forget to put sunscreen)


I’ve attached a scavenger hunt here to get you all started.summer